Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Paper on oxycodone Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

On oxycodone - Research Paper Example Oxycodone mechanism of action, entails stimulation of opioid-receptors inside an individual brain. Notably, it does not purge sensation of pain, but minimizes discomfort through increasing tolerance for pain. It also results in sedation plus respiratory depression (MedlinePlus, 2012). The key therapeutic intention of Oxycodone is to alleviate modest to relentless pain, and to enhance effectiveness of particular anesthesia drugs. It offers pain relief through binding to receptors located in spinal cord and brain, specifically the opiate receptors. Therefore, once the opiate receptors are blocked, it triggers discharge of dopamine from the brain (Portenoy & et al, 2007). Oxycodone is highly addictive, and can result in abuse plus dependency. Repeated use can result in the development of tolerance, and the prescribed dose will no longer be effective in creating intended results. Unintended use mostly involves managing respiratory depression, by trying to experience a sense of euphoria, in addition to to holding back withdrawal symptoms, and as such, many of its abusers turn to heroin (Roth & etal, 2000). Users seek its euphoric, but relentless withdrawal effects together with its sedative property, since its high opioid content makes it to be absorbed over an extensive period. They then become mentally and physically reliant on it. The sensation sought by users, especially those with chronic disruptive pulmonary ailments and respiratory depression, involves decreasing their respiratory impel, and this simply results in apnea. It also causes severe hypotension, since it compromises the capacity to maintain blood pressure, while producing orthostatic hypotension (Riley & et al, 2008). Thus, vasodilatation generated by Oxycodone further diminishes cardiac output along with blood pressure. Consequences of prolonged use include reduced levels of testosterone and enlargement of prostate. Other long term effects include

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